The Group complies with internationally recognized labor rights, adheres to the guiding principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and manages human rights in accordance with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, strengthening respect for human rights by protecting human rights; establishing a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace; and building smooth communication channels.


Human Rights Policies

The Group’s Human Resources Center jointly formulated human rights policies in three languages which were released on all Group corporate websites following approval by our chairman; these policies are applicable to all Group corporations, including all employees and operational activities, and we also require compliance with these standards from our suppliers, outsourcing vendors, contractors, clients, and other value chain partners. The Group adheres to the “United Nations Global Compact,” “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” “Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,” “Social Accountability International (SAI),” “Responsible Business Alliance (RBA),” and other relevant labor laws and international human rights standards. We have established human rights regulations to ensure protection of human rights in all operational activities as well as compliance with employment laws and international standards.

Protections and Principles

The Group is committed to shaping sound environments with beneficial human rights protections that prevent operational activities from resulting in human rights violations or negative impacts. We have formulated the following principles:
1.    Prohibition of human trafficking and forced labor.
2.    Prohibition of child labor.
3.    Provide employees with working hours and salaries that adhere to legal regulations.
4.    Eliminate all forms of inhumane treatment.
5.    Respect diverse cultures and eliminate illegal discrimination.
6.    Respect freedoms of association.
7.    Provide a safe, healthy, clean, and comfortable working environment for all employees.
8.    Uphold the highest business ethics standards



Human Rights Management System


Ennostar adheres to the RBA Code of Conduct and assesses risks using the RBA self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), as shown in the figure above. We implement, monitor, and manage mitigation and prevention measures for identified risk issues.

In 2023, the Ennostar Group reviewed and assessed all human rights issues related to discrimination, indigenous rights, child labor, forced labor, and obstructions to freedoms of association (union formation) to confirm that no disputes or major human rights violations occurred at any Group sites.*

*Definition of major legal violations: Incidents incurring fines of more than NT$300,000

Migrant Worker Agency Audits

To protect the rights of migrant employees and maintain order within the labor market, we audit migrant worker agencies once every year in accordance with local and international labor agency management regulations to ensure that these agencies abide by law; provide legal, equal, and transparent services; protect migrant worker rights; and promote reasonable operations in the labor market.
Audit procedures include document audits and dormitory audits. Document audits encompass personnel management, recruitment services, resignation/departure/repatriation procedures, complaint channels and handling, and implementation of recruitment conditions; dormitory audits encompass human rights, management records, dormitory facilities, and environmental safety. All EPISTAR factories passed audits in 2023, demonstrating EPISTAR’s continued commitment to responsible business practices and confirming that our operations adhere to the highest standards in the industry.

Human Rights Education Activities

The Group regularly organizes annual “human rights policies” courses and tests for all Group personnel. Our human rights education and training in Taiwan were attended by 4,880 participants over a total of 4,880 training hours, achieving a training completion rate of 100%. The courses covered gender mainstreaming, sexual harassment prevention, gender equality, labor laws, and the Labor Standards Act, ensuring that our employees understand our corporate human rights policies, thereby preventing human rights risks. We also disseminate information on human rights policies and demonstrate our emphasis on human rights through irregular newsletters to enhance employee awareness of human rights issues.